Poster Presentations

Poster instructions for digital board presentation

Minimum size for posters:
1080 x 1920 pixels (50 x 90 cm) (You can increase the size by keeping the aspect ratio constant) - Poster orientation must be vertical - Files must be max. 25 MB.

in .jpeg or you can send your poster in .pptx format, so we can arrange it to fit to the 40 inch electronic poster boards in the conference center.

Title, Author(s) name, Affiliation (to be placed at the top of the poster area, the size of the title letters must be at least 40).
Posters must be sent online to the congress e-mail ( by September 20, 2024.
Bu içerik 16.07.2024 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 330 kez okundu.